last night as i mooned the camera on joshs computer the screen went blank and the whole computer malfunctioned later i farted and the game i was playing on my computer unexpectedly shut off my ass is turning into some computer hating dictator.
i have a really bad habit of chewing on plastic and last week i swallowed a chunk id been chewing on and it got lodged in the beginning of my throat a little bit right of my uvula. the second it happened my throat started hurting when i swallowed like strep so yesterday i scraped the piece of plastic out of the tissue and down my throat and the pain instantly went away, amazing! nature will never fails to mystify in the greatest way
last night my friends were supposed to come over to spend the night which is cool cos i love hanging out with them but they always fart in my bed and i was at the salvation army anyways and there were two really cool blankets there for cheap anyways i got them ones neon yellow plaid and one is power rangers im gonna put up a photo later. one persons gas is another persons treasure